Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Hii ..........friends this is second part of our first project tutorial,In this part we will discuss how to program our AVR MCU with the hex file which we have generated. here is step wise process for burning the microcontroller and implementing and testing our very first LED blinking project.


First of all connect your UBASP to your computer now connect programmer to target board . generally a target board is provided with programmer if not then no problem just implement the circuit given below on breadboard or any general purpose PCB. And connect the programming pins to ISP header of programmer in this manner.

Now start PROGISP it will look like this

Choose your device i.e. ATMEGA 8 or whatever you are using, check the functions as shown, load the flash( hex file from the project folder) click on auto …and burning starts.

             If everything was correct till now flash will be loaded successfully.


In case flash is not successfully loaded
1. Make sure programmer is working fine.
2. programmer is rightly connected to target board.
3. target board is powered up accurately.
4. In case of new ATMEGA 32 set high and low fuse bit to 0xC9 and 0xFF.

       So our microcontroller in now programmed and we have to implement the circuit it is so simple , implement given below circuit on a breadboard or vero board and provide power supply now u can see our led is blinking and we have completed our very first AVR project successfully.

      you can use similar circuit for ATMEGA16 and ATMEGA 32  just check datasheet for power supply pin and PB1, rest will work fine.


In case your project is not working.
1. Check  weather power supply is properly connected.
2.  Make sure circuit is not wrong.
3. Make sure LED is connected to right pin.

                                                        So this was our first blinking LED project , we implemented it successfully , I hope it was beneficial for all of you. if you have any doubts, questions, critical view you can leave comments.  In case if you have faced some problem with hardware and your project was not successful do not worry in next Tutorial we will make this project on PROTEUS and will virtually simulate our project.....till then bye.....:)



  1. can we use bascom intead of C

    1. dear friend bascom avr is a compiler program and c is aprogramming language in case of AVR MCUs you can user either C or assembly languaage for programming..........and you can use any compiler to compile that source code...!!

  2. thanks for your great teaching but led is not blinking though on protius program shows correct results. regards rajeev knmiet
