Thursday, February 21, 2013



Sorry for no posting  for a long period of time but meanwhile i was busy in preparing a ebook on basic electronic components for you all. here is the first module of this ebook and i have provided some good stuff about basic electronic components.

I hope it will be of great use for you , specially for the new bees.


I am waiting for your precious views and comments.


Monday, February 18, 2013


Hi…friends ,……welcome to ARDUINO section of my blog. In this section I am going to discuss various ARDUINO projects. ARDUINO has proved itself as a amazing platform for electronics lovers. So without wasting any time we are moving towards our first projects, obviously a “Hello world” project, in which we will blink an LED.

I am assuming you are having an ARDUINO and required software installed.( in case you are a new bee , don’t worry just let me know I will help you..:))


Your ARDUINO board


Circuit connections are very easy and you have to just connect led at digital pin 13 of ARDUINO as shown , connects anode of LED to digital pin 13 and cathode to ground.( ARDUINO already has 1K resistor to added to pin 13, what allows the immediate connection of a LED between that pin and ground)

LED Blinking Project Schematic


Here is the source code more commonly known as SKETCH of the project. Just upload this code to your ARDUINO and enjoy your first ARDUINO project.

/* Blinking LED
* ------------
* turns on and off a light emitting diode(LED) connected to a digital
* pin, in intervals of 2 seconds. Ideally we use pin 13 on the Arduino
* board because it has a resistor attached to it, needing only an LED
int ledPin = 13; // LED connected to digital pin 13
void setup()
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output
void loop()
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // sets the LED on
delay(1000); // waits for a second
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // sets the LED off
delay(1000); // waits for a second

So it was just a start in our upcoming articles we will post more interesting and complex ARDUINO projects so stay tuned.

In case of any query, doubt or critical view just leave a comment.


Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Hi….folks .. welcome back..!!  I am again here with another basic electronics projects for electronics beginners , this time we are going to discuss , how we can implement circuits for logic gates (AND, OR , NOT. NAND, NOR)  using transistor. With the help of these simple circuits we can easily understand the working of LOGIC GATES.




Here is the simple circuit diagram for implementing AND GATE using transistors, So just implement this circuit on bread board and check the output

SYMBOL AN TRUTH TABLE                                                     CIRCUIT


You can see there are two input terminal in AND GATE and , from the truth table of AND GATE you can see the output of and gate is high only in case, when both the inputs are high, so when you will put both the inputs high LED will glow means output is high. In rest of the cases LED does not glow, means  output is low.


Here is the simple circuit diagram for implementing OR GATE using transistors, So just implement this circuit on bread board and check the output

SYMBOL AN TRUTH TABLE                                                     CIRCUIT



You can see there are two input terminal in OR GATE and , from the truth table of OR GATE you can see the output is low only in case, when both the inputs are low, so when you will put both the inputs low LED will not glow means output is low. In rest of the cases LED  glows, which means  output is high.


Here is the simple circuit diagram for implementing NOT GATE using transistors, So just implement this circuit on bread board and check the output.

SYMBOL AN TRUTH TABLE                                                     CIRCUIT



You can see there is only one input in NOT GATE. From truth table you can see , when input is high output is low and when input is low output is high. You can check both the conditions easily.


Here is the simple circuit diagram for implementing NAND GATE using transistors, So just implement this circuit on bread board and check the output.

SYMBOL AN TRUTH TABLE                                                     CIRCUIT


Here is the simple circuit diagram for implementing NOR GATE using transistors, So just implement this circuit on bread board and check the output.

SYMBOL AN TRUTH TABLE                                                     CIRCUIT

NOTE : for main circuit and inputs use same power supply ........:p

I hope this article was useful for you guys , in case of any doubt, query or critical view just leave a comment.


Friday, February 08, 2013


Hi..friends…welcome back..!! I am again here with another basic electronics project ,this time we are going to make a simple water tank overflow indicator, this is a simple project based on 555 timer IC. This project can be used as an alarm to warn us in case of overflow. Let us see how things are going on…..!!


NE555 IC
RESISTORS ( 1X 100K, 1X1K)


In this circuit 555 IC is used in astable mode . here is the complete circuit diagram for the setup-

Implement this circuit on a general purpose PCB then attach wire ends to the wall of tank , at a desired level , whenever water level overflows this point circuit gets completed and buzzer is activated.

I hope you guys find this article helpful , in case of any query,doubt or critical view just leave a comment.


Saturday, February 02, 2013


Hi…friends , welcome back..! I am again here with some embedded systems stuff , this time we will learn how to control motor using AVR MCUs. Motors are very important for almost every ROBOTICS projects and other electronics projects as well ,and using microcontroller with motors makes is very easy. So lets have a look , how it happens..??


As we know we can generate different output signal from our MCU, which are used to drive the motors but the signal generated by the MCU is not strong enough to drive the motor , so we need something else to drive the motor as per the instruction of MCU, and this something else is a motor drive , there are many motor drivers available , like ULN200X family ICs , L293D and L298 etc. here we are going to use  L293D. I will suggest you to go through my article
Before reading this article as I have discussed almost everything in that article about L293D. ROBOTICS TUTORIAL 1- HOW TO USE L293D MOTOR DRIVER IC
Now we are pretty much clear about our task, we have to drive a simple DC motor using AVR MCU and L293D motor driver.


So first of we have to prepare connections . just implement this simple circuit for that. Things we are going to need are-
L293D IC
ATmega 16
And some connecting wire and power supply.

Source code

Here is sample code. The code is written to rotate two motors in clockwise direction for some time ,then to stop one motor and rotate other one in clockwise direction for some time and again rotate second motor in clockwise direction and stop first one for some time  ,then to rotate one motor in clockwise direction and other one in anticlockwise direction and finally stop both the motor. Code is self explanatory still if you are facing any problem just let me know..:)

 * Created: 2/2/2013 10:04:53 PM
 *  Author: ABHILASH

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>

void main()
DDRC=0b00001111; //declaring pin 0-3 of PORTC as output pins


PORTC=0b00000101; // both motor in clockwise direction
_delay_ms(3000);   // delay for some time

PORTC=0b00000001; // only one motor rotating in clockwise direction
_delay_ms(3000);   // delay for sometime

PORTC=0b00000100;   // second motor rotating in clockwise direction
_delay_ms(3000);    // delay for some time

PORTC=0b00001001;  // one motor in clockwise direction other one in anticlockwise
_delay_ms(3000);    // delay for some time

PORTC=0b00000000;   // stop
_delay_ms(3000);     // delay for some time

That all now burn your microcontroller with this program and power up the circuit and you will things going on..and you can see how easy  is it to control a motor with AVR MCU.


You can download source code , .hex file and proteus design file here-

I hope this article was helpful for you guyz, in case of any query. Doubt or critical view just leave a comment.


Hi….friends..welcome back..!! I am again here with some discussion on Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
So in this article we will discuss about function and uses of LED . LED are most basic electronic component to be used in almost all the electronic circuit in different forms. If you are going to start with electronics you must have proper knowledge of using LEDs efficiently.


LEDs are unidirectional devices like diode and works only in forward bias condition and emits light when a power supply is connected across the terminal of LED. There are two terminal in simple LED ( some special LEDs contain more than two terminals).As shown in figure below these two terminal are termed as anode ( represented with a or +) and cathode (represented with k (not c) or -). These two terminals must be connected correct way round as a to positive and k to negative terminal of supply. You can determine  ANODE  and CATHODE by checking the LED as the larger lead is anode and shorter lead is cathode and cathode is flat part in main LED body. LEDs normally operate at very low voltages 1.5 to 3v .  
LEDs can be damaged by heat when soldering, but the risk is small unless you are very slow. No special precautions are needed for soldering most LEDs. 

                                                              anode                                           cathode


As we know LEDs operate at very low voltage hence Never connect an LED directly to a battery or power supply! 

It will be destroyed almost instantly because too much current will pass through and burn it out.
LEDs must have a resistor in series to limit the current to a safe value, for quick testing purposes a 1k resistor is suitable for most LEDs if your supply voltage is 12V or less. Remember to connect the LED the correct way round!


There are a number different LEDs available in the market some of them are discussed here-

Single colour LEDs

Different coloured LEDs
LEDs are available in red, orange, amber, yellow, green, blue and white. Blue and white LEDs are much more expensive than the other colours.
The colour of an LED is determined by the semiconductor material, not by the colouring of the 'package' (the plastic body). LEDs of all colours are available in uncoloured packages which may be diffused (milky) or clear (often described as 'water clear'). The coloured packages are also available as diffused (the standard type) or transparent.

Tri colour LEDs

The most popular type of tri-colour LED has a red and a green LED combined in one package with three leads. They are called tri-colour because mixed red and green light appears to be yellow and this is produced when both the red and green LEDs are on.
The diagram shows the construction of a tri-colour LED. Note the different lengths of the three leads. The centre lead (k) is the common cathode for both LEDs, the outer leads (a1 and a2) are the anodes to the LEDs allowing each one to be lit separately, or both together to give the third colour. 

Bi-colour LEDs

A bi-colour LED has two LEDs wired in 'inverse parallel' (one forwards, one backwards) combined in one package with two leads. Only one of the LEDs can be lit at one time and they are less useful than the tri-colour LEDs described above.

LEDs with different shape and size

There are also so many LEDs varying in shapes like round shape led , square, rectangular and triangular. LEDs. LEDs also vary in size like 5mm (standard) LED and 3mm LED etc.
LEDs different shape and size

 As well as a variety of colours, sizes and shapes, LEDs also vary in their viewing angle. This tells you how much the beam of light spreads out. Standard LEDs have a viewing angle of 60° but others have a narrow beam of 30° or less.

Flashing LEDs

Flashing LEDs look like ordinary LEDs but they contain an integrated circuit (IC) as well as the LED itself. The IC flashes the LED at a low frequency, typically 3Hz (3 flashes per second). They are designed to be connected directly to a supply, usually 9 - 12V, and no series resistor is required. Their flash frequency is fixed so their use is limited and you may prefer to build your own circuit to flash an ordinary LED.

LED Displays

LED displays are packages of many LEDs arranged in a pattern, the most familiar pattern being the 7-segment displays for showing numbers (digits 0-9). The pictures below illustrate some of the popular designs:
Connecting LEDs in series and Parallel

In Series

Connecting LEDs in series is a good idea to prolong battery life cause in this case we are driving all the LEDs with the same current as just one. All the LEDs connected in series pass the same current so it is best if they are all the same type. The power supply must have sufficient voltage to provide about 2V for each LED (4V for blue and white) plus at least another 2V for the resistor. To work out a value for the resistor you must add up all the LED voltages and use this for VL.

like A red, a yellow and a green LED in series need a supply voltage of at least 3 × 2V + 2V = 8V, so a 9V battery would be ideal.
VL = 2V + 2V + 2V = 6V (the three LED voltages added up).
If the supply voltage VS is 9V and the current I must be 15mA = 0.015A,
Resistor R = (VS - VL) / I = (9 - 6) / 0.015 = 3 / 0.015 = 200Ω

 so choose R = 220Ω

 (the nearest standard value which is greater). 

In parallel

Connecting several LEDs in parallel with just one resistor shared between them is generally not a good idea.
If the LEDs require slightly different voltages only the lowest voltage LED will light and it may be destroyed by the larger current flowing through it. 

Although identical LEDs can be successfully connected in parallel with one resistor this rarely offers any useful benefit because resistors are very cheap and the current used is the same as connecting the LEDs individually. If LEDs are in parallel each one should have its own resistor. 

so friends it was all about LED i hope you found it useful in case of any query, doubt or critical view just leave a comment here.
