friends..!! welcome back this time I am here with some discussion on second
part of TIMERS in avr , this time we are
going to discuss about TIMER1. I hope that you have read and understood the
previous posts:
we are aware with the concepts of AVR so we are moving towards TIMER1. TIMER1
is more or less like TIMER0 so without wasting much time we will simply go
through problem statementwe .Once we are done with this, we can proceed to the
CTC and PWM modes of operations in subsequent posts.
Problem Statement
time our task is to flash an LED every 2 seconds, i.e. at a frequency of 0.5
Hz. We have an XTAL of 16 MHz.
Using prescaler and interrupt
here is the formula.
that we have a CPU Clock Frequency of 16 MHz. At this frequency, and using a
16-bit timer (MAX = 65535), the maximum delay is 4.096 ms. It’s quite low. Upon
using a prescaler of 8, the timer frequency reduces to 2 MHz, thus giving a
maximum delay of 32.768 ms. Now we need a delay of 2 s. Thus, 2 s ÷ 32.768 ms =
61.035 ≈ 61. This means that the timer should overflow 61 times to give a delay
of approximately 2 s.
it’s time for you to get introduced to the TIMER1 registers (ATMEGA16/32). We
will discuss only those registers and bits which are required as of now. More
will be discussed as and when necessary.
TCCR1B Register
Timer/Counter1 Control Register B- TCCR1B Register is as follows.
![]() |
TCCR1B Register |
now, only the highlighted bits concern us. The bit 2:0 – CS12:10 are the
Clock Select Bits of TIMER1. Their selection is as follows.
Clock Select Bits Description
we need a prescaler of 8, we choose the third option (010).
TCNT1 Register
Timer/Counter1 - TCNT1 Register is as follows.
![]() |
TCNT1 Register |
It is 16 bits wide since
the TIMER1 is a 16-bit register. TCNT1H represents the HIGH byte whereas
TCNT1L represents the LOW byte. The timer/counter value is stored in
these bytes.
TIMSK Register
Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register – TIMSK Register is as follows.
![]() |
TIMSK Register |
we have discussed earlier, this is a common register for all the timers.
The bits associated with other timers are greyed out. Bits 5:2
correspond to TIMER1. Right now, we are interested in the yellow bit only.
Other bits are related to CTC mode which we will discuss later. Bit 2 –
TOIE1 – Timer/Counter1 Overflow Interrupt Enable bit enables the overflow
interrupt of TIMER1. We enable the overflow interrupt as we are making the
timer overflow 61 times (refer to the methodology section above).
TIFR Register
Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag Register – TIFR is as follows.
![]() |
TIFR Register |
again, just like TIMSK, TIFR is also a register common to all the
timers. The greyed out bits correspond to different timers. Only Bits 5:2
are related to TIMER1. Of these, we are interested in Bit 2 – TOV1 – Timer/Counter1
Overflow Flag. This bit is set to ’1′ whenever the timer overflows. It is
cleared (to zero) automatically as soon as the corresponding Interrupt Service
Routine (ISR) is executed. Alternatively, if there is no ISR to execute, we can
clear it by writing ’1′ to it.
its time for coding its too easy like TIMER0, if you have not gone through
TIMER0 please read TIMER0 tutorial first otherwise it will be a bit tough for
* TIMER1.c
* Created: 1/28/2013 1:59:29 AM
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
// global variable to
count the number of overflows
volatile uint8_t
// initialize timer,
interrupt and variable
void timer1_init()
// set up timer with prescaler = 8
TCCR1B |= (1 << CS11);
// initialize counter
TCNT1 = 0;
// enable overflow interrupt
TIMSK |= (1 << TOIE1);
// enable global interrupts
// initialize overflow counter variable
timer_overflow = 0;
// TIMER1 overflow
interrupt service routine
// called whenever
TCNT1 overflows
// keep a track of number of overflows
// check for number of overflows here itself
// 61 overflows = 2 seconds delay (approx.)
if (timer_overflow >= 61) // NOTE: '>=' used instead of '=='
PORTC ^= (1 << 0); // toggles
the led
// no timer reset required here as the timer
// is reset every time it overflows
timer_overflow = 0; // reset
overflow counter
int main(void)
// connect led to pin PC0
DDRC |= (1 << 0);
// initialize timer
// loop forever
// do nothing
// comparison is done in the ISR itself
friends it was all about TIMER1 in AVR , in case of any query doubt or critical
view just leave a comment here . in our next tutorial we will discuss about
TIMER2 , till then bye…!!
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